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Discover audience insights, faster than ever.

Conduct engaging, 1-on-1 interviews with research participants using AI.

Ask follow-ups in real time, probe for more depth, and massively reduce your time spent analyzing open-ends.
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Deliver Insights at the Speed of Today's Business

Research teams are under pressure to deliver insights faster and at a lower cost than ever before.

Discover how Revealai enables true "qual at scale" with AI-driven interviews and analysis.

Depth of Insights, at Scale

Revealai gathers insights about customer preferences or market trends at the depth of an interview, with the speed and the scale of a survey.

Here's how Revealai is helping market research teams:

- Improve data quality of survey open-ends. Validate that participants are actually answering the question, and answering it well.

- Ask follow-ups in real time. A major pain point is seeing an interesting participant response in a transcript or survey, and not being able to ask for more detail.

- Speed up qualitative data analysis. Reading survey open-ends is a huge time suck.

- Integrate AI into their existing research platform with minimal effort

Revealai Customer Experience


Accelerating Product Concept Feedback

Reveal AI was used in a new product research campaign by a large provider of auto, home & life insurance, and other services.

The provider’s brand and product team aimed to quickly validate a new concept in the emerging electric vehicle market by gauging customer perspectives and making data-backed decisions.

  • Using Reveal AI, the team conducted in-depth interviews with over a hundred customers in just a few days
  • Over 3,000 open-ended interview responses were quickly analyzed at the fraction of the cost of traditional focus groups
  • The result: the company reached a decision to move forward on their new marketplace idea, competing validation research in a matter of days vs the typical 4-6 weeks


Validating New Service Offering

A global advisory & consulting firm sought to validate a new service offering for their clients. 

The firm sourced ideas, opportunities, problems and challenges from employees in order to:

  • Improve their understanding of client needs and available budget
  • Shape the value proposition of their new service offering
  • Understand potential resource allocation for a customer's adoption and gain insights into possible roadblocks
  • The result: the firm quickly gained comprehensive insights into their client needs, allowing them to validate and tailor their new service offering based on direct feedback